HOMILY - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 06/26/22 Fr. James Nadeau
13th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME June 26, 2022
Did you know, at the moment of death, the soul leaves the body. While the body begins the long, slow process of decay, the soul leaves immediately - this is the first judgement. In the particular judgement, we discover the consequences of the choices we have made. At this point, there are no do-overs. The time for choosing between God and not God ends when we leave this life.
The bottom line is the ability to be prudent when it comes to how we will live our lives as disciples of the Lord, i.e. our choices. Each of the readings today illustrates disciples making a choice, a commitment to follow the Lord. Elisha’s loyalty to Elijah is exactly the response God seeks from those who serve his name. He want commitment without any idea of turning back. St. Paul demands faithfulness from his hearers. In the Gospel, Jesus allows nothing to block his destination to Jerusalem. Humanity’s salvation begins in Jerusalem, where Jesus’ earthly life concludes.
Choosing the Father’s way, as Jesus demonstrates, costs. But, like Jesus, it is the only path to choose.
For Freedom, Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit to the yoke of slavery.
The young Elisha must leave the juvenile world of his parents and homeland to follow his new master and teacher, Elijah. Following the Lord means letting go of what holds one back.