There was a bumper sticker I saw that said, “Wise men still find Him and His Mother.” Imagine you are one of the wisemen at the First Epiphany – the Kings of the East. You saw a star and are following it because you have been told that the Newborn King is about to be born, and if you follow it, you will find him. They came to the end of their journey in Bethlehem.
If the Kings of the earth want to bring their gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Newborn King – if they plan to worship him and touch him to receive and hold him – they have to ask permission from Mary. Of course, Our lady is more than willing to give Jesus to them. All anyone needs is the humility to ask her: May I touch him? May I hold him? May I look upon him and talk to him? And, of course, she wants us to worship him, the Son of God. She always points to her son.
He is the Savior of the world. And God makes himself known to us through his mother. If you will, she is the world’s first monstrance. Find and create that relationship. Wise men still find Him and His mother. She will always point you to her son. Search for him today in the works of mercy we perform. The poor, the sick, the homeless are not just a statistic. Search for Him in the eyes of the lonely, the tired…..the smiles of children. Spend time with a lonely person.