20th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 14, 2022 Jesuit Generalate – Murad of today’s gospel reading, Jesus telling his disciples he has come to set the world on fire. In other words, he came down from the highest heaven in order to light the fire of divine love in human hearts and how he wished it was already kindled, fawned into flame by the Holy Spirit and leaping forth in good works…on the lower right, there was a fire extinguisher!
Sometimes there are things that get in the way, even of God’s plans. In fact, the readings echo the cost of discipleship. Jesus even tells us that some will embrace the Christian message while still others will reject it. Jesus’ message will set people against one another because it will not be possible to remain neutral in the face of one who has been set ablaze with the Gospel. Others will either stroke the fire or douse the blaze.
If we follow our Christian values, there will be division. There are situations that leave no choice but to walk away even from families and friends. We live in a confused age, how unchristian life today has become. How torn and divided is mankind. That is why Jesus is calling us to be whole-hearted followers and not half-hearted believers. Despite the disturbing forces we may encounter in life, we must never hesitate, but go on and on. The fundamental duty of every Christian is to press earnestly onward and enflame our world with good works and love for God and neighbor.