Homily – September 26, 2021 – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. James L. Nadeau, Pastor
Homily – September 26, 2021 – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. James L. Nadeau, Pastor
I.) Once again in the Gospel, we find followers of Jesus seeing the smaller picture and missing the Big Scene. They complain and fail to understand the Big Scene: all good things come from God.
There is a bigger picture, but the disciples were caught up in their own smallness.
Sometimes, we can be like that. We all lack something but together we can do more – we can make a significant difference.
II.) When I was in Rome, I played baseball and soccer. As it typically happens, players would line up so the captains could choose their teams. Inevitably, there were always the same players left to the very last. All the cool kids or best athletes were chosen first and the “misfits” were left for last. I was always chosen first because I frequently brought pizza for the team.
One day, when I was the captain, instead of choosing all the cool kids/best athletes first, I chose the “misfits” first. I offered them all a lot of encouragement and, surprisingly, our team won. When I asked my team of “misfits” what happened, they said, “You chose us, and we wanted to show you that we could do it.”
III.) In the eyes of God, we are all misfits. Yet, He has called us, each one of us to be on His team – to make the world a better place – to expel the demons of today.
IV. Let’s not be like those fellows in the Gospel and live in our own smallness. Let’s see the bigger picture.