In today's weekly mailing from the Diocese, there was a message from Rev. Bishop Deeley that he asked us to share with parishioners.
"Throughout this week, the rates of transmission of COVD-19 throughout the state have increased. Today, 14 out of 16 counties are now considered to have “substantial” or “high” levels of transmission according to the CDC.
In view of this danger to public health, Bishop Deeley is asking all parishes to modify the wording of statements on posters, in parish bulletins, on parish websites, and during announcements at Mass to say, “Masks are strongly recommended for all persons in church.”
This is intended to apply to Mass and other gatherings in churches only. It does not apply to other kinds of parish activities elsewhere on parish property for the time being.
This represents a change in emphasis from current messages which may be saying, “Masks are not required” or “Masks are optional” or “Masks are recommended for unvaccinated persons indoors.”
Please introduce this new language in all your parish communications beginning today and concluding no later than August 21/22.
Celebrants who are wearing masks for Mass may ask ministers at Mass to wear a mask as well. Parishioners and ministers at Mass remain free to comply with the recommendation and request or not.
Please continue to pray for all those suffering from the pandemic. Thank you for your efforts."
You may email [email protected] if you have any questions. Thank you.