Homily - 2nd Sunday of Lent - 03/05/23 - Fr James Nadeau
Ask me my goal: To help people get to Heaven. Good – so please follow-up with more spirit insight on how the tempter comes after us. And how we can resist.
First of all, now there is no one who approaches God who isn’t tested by temptations. When they come simply take no notice of them. View them as mere nothings from the impotent enemy of your soul. The tempter is very proud and he can’t bear to be despised and spurned. So the best remedy is to ignore all temptations. Brush them away from your mind the way you would flies in front of your eyes. Question: When temptations come, do I strengthen them by focusing on them? Or do I weaken them by ignoring them and turning my focus elsewhere?
The tempter loves to come after us when we are alone – that is his strategy. Recall last weeks readings: he set his trap for Eve when she was alone – apart from her husband. Jesus was alone when he came. The devil assaults us when we are left alone, all by ourselves. Example: when the tempter sees us with others and banded together, he is not confident of himself and he makes no attack. Question: Do I find that temptations increase in intensity and even multiply when I am alone? Lord Jesus grant me a vivid awareness of your presence so that the temptation will lose its power.
We must, in all respects, be vigilant when we come to the Lord’s table. If we approach the Eucharist unworthily, we are acting much like the traitor Judas. Recall the devil entered Judas and Judas gave into the temptation. We are indignant of all that the traitor, or Judas, set in motion – as they slaughtered Jesus all holy body. But, if we receive his body unworthily – we are guilty of betraying and mistreating our Lord’s precious Body of Blood. Consider what sort of honor we have received on the altar, angels tremble. What Christ does for us.
Vain curiosity can lead us where we shouldn’t go; into matters that do not concern us and even into sinful behaviors. Certain things strengthen evil thoughts in us, bad books, plagues of present day.
Prayer of St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense.