“The city had no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gave it light, and its lamp was the lamb.” The light of Christ gave glory to the heavenly city. This reading we have today reminds us of the Easter Vigil. The light of Christ engulfed the whole dark church in light. The light of faith pushed out the darkness that was around us. Kindergarten – on All Saints Day “Saints are the ones who let the light shine through” “Saints are the ones who let the light shine though.” Perfect! Just as the light of Christ illuminates the city of God. Saints let the light of God shine through our world. These windows are something natural that helps us understand the super natural: the light of God shines through us in different colors. God uses the virtues like: generosity, purity, humbleness, blessedness, modesty, and all those attributes of a similar kind. God uses them to form us in His likeness – so the light shines through: Saints are the ones who let the light shine through. “The greatest tragedy of the world is not to try to be a saint.”