Universal celebration of Trinity Sunday challenges us. What role does God play? Are we just admiring God? Or does what we believe make a difference in our lives?
When we profess: we believe in 1 God created of heaven and earth. What we are saying is more than just words. We believe we are called to enter into a co-creating partnership with God. Helping Him to heal our broken world – helping him to recreate the world in his image. We are called to help gently reset the pieces of our broken world.
When we profess: we believe in 1 Lord, Jesus Christ…for us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven. We to are called to be concerned for all. Just as Jesus came to heal the broken of the world, so are we – alienation, hatred. It is more than just words.
When we profess: we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life: it reminds us we too are called to defend and to promote that life God has given to us. It is more than just words.
Chesterton: “Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.”