At weddings, the groom and best man remain in the sacristy while the guests arrive. The groom is understandably worried…but then the moment comes…he either snaps to attention or becomes weak-kneed. The ritual of teasing is over, something serious is about to happen. As we read in Isaiah today, we are to imagine God as the groom looking for us at the end of the aisle. The Israelites have returned to Jerusalem from exile and God is pleased to have them home. God loves his bride no matter what. The symbolism of John’s Gospel reveals something more of this marriage we have with God In our day…in Jesus’ day it was the responsibility of the groom. Unfortunately, for the groom, the wine ran out. This does not reflect well on the host. But Jesus steps in He takes on the role and responsibility of the groom and becomes the host. Jesus performed the miracle because that is what God wanted to do for us. It was Jesus desire to take responsibility for us as the groom. Jesus is the eternal groom waiting at the altar for us. Jesus is the groom that once he sees us taking the first steps down the aisle toward him, any hurt or sin is forgotten. There is only love. He wants to take responsibility as the groom in our lives. We just have to get ourselves started down the aisle.