Within us is a spiritual irony that we must acknowledge; we pray for an experience of God in our lives, but then we hope we don’t get it. We pray to know God better and then will actually sabotage our near success. Why would this be? The reality is that while we deeply yearn for an experiences of God, we fear it. We are afraid that experiencing God in His fullness will change us.
The truth is that an experience of God will indeed change us, but not into someone that we do not want to be. Rather, an experience of God will prod us into becoming what he has wanted us to be all along. This is the secret of finding peace in our lives; being the person God formed us to be. If we fight God’s intentions for us, we will never be truly happy. We see this in all 3 of today’s readings.
When Isaiah was touched by God, he could not wait to share his experience with the world.
Paul, who claimed to be the least of the Apostles, writes one of the first and most beautiful of our Christiancreeds.
Peter, after his own claim of unworthiness, left everything behind without a thought and followed Jesus.
Let us not fear God, for God loves us and wants us to experience His love.