If there is 1 word that can summarize the reading today, it would be “TRUST”. In the first reading Jeremiah, the prophet, is speaking to the King, the people, and the Nation as he tells them to trust. Trust in God alone. Jeremiah’s whole concern was faithfulness to God. The reason Judah existed in the first place, was to serve God and Him alone.
In the Gospel reading, St. Luke is not concerned with things. Rather, he points out that those who rely on God, that is trust, are truly blessed. For St. Luke, being blessed means to be living a righteous existence and trusting in God’s ways.
My Brothers and Sisters, Jeremiah and Luke did not write these words just for people a long time ago; they were also written for us. Like the people of Judah, we can lose focus of what we are all about – to serve God. We do this by serving our neighbor. And like the people in the Gospel, we might believe true happiness is in things, when in reality, it is only found in God.