I was helping a couple with marriage counseling. He was doing much – really trying. I said “The test of love is always what the lover does or is prepared to do for the sake of the beloved.” She just looked at me…
All of Jesus’ pain, temptations, beatings, sufferings, and even death show us what he was willing to do for us, his beloved. When you look at all Jesus willingly endured, it reminds us of 2 things.
The gravity of our own situation
The greatness of his love for us
The reading today shares the greatness of his love.
Deliver us from slavery
St. Paul, Christianianity delivers us from slavery of sin.
Christianity taught us to overcome temptation
This is where we come into the story this lent: test of love is what love does or is willing to do.
How to overcome temptation: Whenever we feel the approach of temptation, imitate a little child who sees a wolf or a bear. He instinctively flees to Father or Mother or at least calls on them for help. (As Jesus said, pray not to enter temptation).
If temptation continues or increases, divert your mind from it by good and noble thoughts or actions for as these enter and occupy your heart, they will banish temptation and evil thoughts.
Lenten Disciplines: Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.