Rumors of Another World: What on earth are we missing? This tells the story of reconciliation that would be unbelievable if it were not true. Court proceedings, truth and reconciliation commissions hearing conducted in South Africa after the end of Aportheid. Police officer Vande Broek testified that he and another officer shot a teenager and burned the body. A few years later, he took the boys father and tied and burned him; he made the wife watch. After he told of committing the murders, the committee turned to the grieving mother and widow and asked her “What do you want from Mr. Vande Broek?”
Go gather up all the deceased for a proper burial.
Mr. Broek took all my family away, but I still have a lot of love to give. Twice per month go to the Ghetto and spend a day with me – so I can be a mother to him.
I want him to know that he is forgiven by God, and I forgive him too. I would like to embrace him so he can know my forgiveness is real. Overwhelmed, he fainted.
The parable of the forgiving Father is a metaphor for how our merciful God loves us. It is a lesson about how we are to love. The point of the parable is we are called to be like the father. We must forgive. We must forgive absolutely. We must go and find those who need our forgiveness. As Christians, we are entrusted with the Message of Mercy and Forgiveness.