God is on earth, God is among us, not now as lawgiver, like Mt. Sion, there is no fire, no dense cloud or storm to terrify whoever hears him – but as one gently and kindly conversing in a human body with his fellow men and women. God is in the flesh. He is bringing back to himself the whole human race. By his flesh he has made the human race his own kin.
But how can glory come to all through only one? How can the God-head be in the flesh? He did not relinquish his own nature and yet he dwelt among us. He did not undergo any change and yet the Word became flesh. Earth received from heaven, yet heaven was not deserted by him who holds the universe in being.
Let us strive to comprehend the mystery. The reason God is in the flesh is to kill the death that lurks there. As diseases are cured by medicines and assimilated by the body, and as darkness in a house is dispelled by the coming light, so death which held sway over human nature, is done away with by the coming of God. How great the goodness of God.
Let us join in the shephards in giving glory to God: Today a Savior has been born to us. He is Christ the Lord. The Lord is God and he has appeared to us.