HOMILY - Rev. James Nadeau - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 07/03/22
14th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 03, 2022
Everybody has probably, at one time or another, stood before an anthill and watched the swarming, teeming activity. Each one of the tiny creatures finds its way and does not interfere with the others. Each 1 performs its task without hindrance. Sometimes, a burden can become too heavy; then a second will come, take hold and help. And if the observer gives way to the childrish temptation and disturbs the little community, the ants are in great turmoil at first, but then each 1 sets to work and soon everything is in order again. We might think if insects can do this, man should certainly be able to do this too! But it’s quite the other way! Insects and animals live by instinct. Man has a mind and must learn to behave properly.
This is where good manners and courtesy come in. Courtesy is an everyday affair and important for life. Particularly, since our modern culture and fast-paced life has produced an atmosphere of coarseness, eg. Teachers hitting students, parents at sporting games. Courtesy requires time to think, to say or to do. And in our age of forced deadlines – good manners disappear. Road rage. The 2nd reading tells us, “we are members of the house of God. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule.”
We need to take time to be courteous. Quite frequently, moral difficulties are avoided by what we call “good manners.” Courtesy recognizes the good in others and lets them feel valued. Courtesy induces young people to honor their elders. Men to honor women instead of domestic violence. The strong to defer the weak. To nurture not to fight. To learn to build up not tear down. Make no mistake, Peace comes when we remember our good manners.